In a recent leadership course a classmate emphasized the value of mandatory self-evaluations and I agreed with their post, especially if we utilize those evaluations as a way to remind ourselves that our real employer is God. If we all considered who we really work for, we would spend less time looking for appreciation and accolades from our employers and/or our peers.
“One of the greatest things that humans have is the need for recognition.” (LU Presentation 2015) I personally have spent way too much time in the past expecting my peers and employers to “recognize” me, but it wasn’t until I learned to value myself that true job satisfaction kicked in. Realizing who my real employer is was the first step on the road to personal growth.
Scripture encourages us that “Whenever we do work we should do that work as if unto the Lord, not as if we were working for man. For doing so we’ll be given an inheritance from the Lord.” (Colossians 3:23-24, NIV) When I began to apply this scripture, not only did I feel better about my work but I found that my co-workers and employers began to feel better about me.